Our High-Touch, Customized Approach Makes CSS Stand Out Among Larger Providers.
By taking the time to fully understand each lender’s unique needs, we are able to custom-tailor a winning solution. Our team discusses solutions with so many lenders, we learn what products and processes work best and share that insight to produce the most effective results for you.
Client Success Stories

Appraisal Management Solution
This lending client was utilizing a local appraisal firm to handle appraisal orders. As the bank expanded its footprint to three other states, the local firm simply was not able to provide the level of service the bank was expecting. Our appraisal service solution was able to quickly decrease turn-times, improve the ordering process for the bank, and greatly simplify the billing process. The bank was so pleased with our partnership that they expanded our partnership and added our home equity lending services.

Warranted Property Report Solution
This lending client owned their own title company and required title insurance on every single transaction, the cost of which was being passed along to their borrowers. After an acquisition, the bank learned title insurance costs on a home equity loan were causing them to lose a lot of business to their competitors. Simply put, they were just too expensive in their markets. We met with the bank, discussed their concerns, and introduced them to our warranted property report product. They felt our product would provide them with the title information they needed while dramatically reducing cost at a risk level they felt comfortable with. They introduced our product and have found turn-times were cut in half and are quite pleased with the decreased cost.

Panel Management Solution
This lender was managing the entire appraisal process on their own. They had a group of employees who were responsible for managing a large part of the appraisal process. During peak lending times, the underwriting staff noticed that turn-times on appraisals were greatly extended. Once the appraisals were returned, the underwriter had to review the appraisal and then deal with any needed revisions, adding further to turn-times and, more importantly, distracting an underwriter with appraisal issues. The bank always was hesitant to partner with an AMC because they wanted control over the appraisers that received their assignments. Our panel management process allowed the bank to continue using their own approved appraisers while having a professional AMC manage the entire appraisal process. Turn-times were cut dramatically, appraisals were returned fully reviewed with corrections completed (underwriters no longer needed to deal with this piece), the bank no longer had to make payment to appraisers (hundreds of checks per month), and CSS also took care of keeping track of and ensuring all appraiser licensing and E&O certificates were valid.

Hybrid Appraisal Solution
Shortly following Dodd Frank and the Interagency Valuation Guidelines, this lender was requiring at minimum, a drive-by appraisal on every home equity loan. As a lender who absorbs all costs associated with home equity loans, this decision quickly became very expensive for the bank. We introduced the bank to both exterior-only and interior/exterior hybrid appraisals. They liked the fact that a hybrid appraisal had a faster turn-time than a standard appraisal and that they were less expensive. By implementing our hybrid appraisal solution, the bank noticed a sizeable decline in appraisal turn-times and ended up saving hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.