Corporate Settlement Solutions

eClosing Definitions

eMortgage: A mortgage where the critical loan documentation, at a minimum the Promissory Note, is created, executed, transferred and ultimately stored electronically. eNote: A MISMO SMART DOC that must be tamper-sealed, which is a special type of digital signature that guarantees data integrity and attaches a date and time stamp to the signature, ensuring the

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The Top 5 Takeaways From ALTA One 2020

The latest annual American Land Title Association (ALTA) One Conference was going to be held in New York, but, due to COVID-19, was held virtually. This year’s theme was “Tell Our Story.” ALTA President, Mary O’Donnell, encouraged all title professionals to tell our industry’s story to consumers: that we are bodyguards, private detectives and problem

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The Benefits and Future of Virtual Appraisal Inspections

They say, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’ Truer words have never been spoken when it comes to how the mortgage industry has been flipped to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Talk about a perfect storm, lowest mortgage rates in recorded history driving highest home refinancing volumes ever, with one MAJOR problem – national level

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Opportunity Zones vs. 1031 Exchanges—Can They Co-exist?

Many real estate investors are familiar with the parameters and tax advantages of a Section 1031 tax-deferred exchange to defer the payment of capital gains taxes when exchanging certain qualifying property for other qualifying property. However, there is a newer investment concept that may prove to be just as advantageous to some investors—Opportunity Zones.

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